Publications avec la contribution des membres de la section Photocathodes et Lasers
Publications with contribution of the section Photocathodes and Lasers members
I.N. Ross, M. Csatári, S. Hutchinsins, CERN/CTF3 Note 048 (Tech.)
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1/07/2002, Publication
PILOT Test Preparation
S. Hutchins, G. Suberlucq, CERN/CTF3 Note 045 (Tech.)
PS/PP/Note 2002-050, April, 2002, Publication
A Laser System Design for the Photo-injector Option for the CERN Linear Collider
I. Ross, Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB), S. Hutchins, CERN/PS/PP
Central Laser Facility Annual Report 2000/2001 p. 184 - 187 : Publicaton ;
CTF3-Review :The CTF3 Photo-injector Laser,
I. Ross (RAL), 2/10/01, Presentation
Feasibility Study for the CERN CLIC Photo-injector Laser System,
I. Ross, Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (GB),
CERN CLIC Note 462, October 2000 : Publicaton ; Presentation
CTF II Laser and optical system : June 2000,
S. Hutchins, CERN CTF Tech 2000-09, June 2000 Rev. March 2001: Publication
Development Proposal for the CTF3 Probe Beam Laser,
S. Hutchins, CERN CTF Note 99-37, December 1999 : Publication
The CTF II Laser system,
S. Hutchins, CERN CTF Note 98-18, November 1998 : Publication ; Addendum Feb. 2000
Laser requirements for the CLIC and CTF III projects,
S. Hutchins, CERN CTF Note 98-16, 9 June 1998 : Publication
Operating Procedure for the CTF laser (rev 3),
S. Hutchins, CERN CTF Note 98-12, May 1998 :
Stabilisation Laser,
D. Hervé, CERN CTF Note 98-17, 30 janvier 1998 : Publication
The CTF Laser,
S. Hutchins, CERN PS-LP Note 96-11 : Publication
Laser beam paths for the CTF,
S. Hutchins, CERN PS-LP Note 96-10 : Publication
The Synchro Laser System for the CLIC Test Facility,
S. Schreiber, CERN CLIC Note 245, 31 August 1994 :
Photocathode Lab Optical System,
S. Hutchins, CERN PS-LP Note 93-31, 29 April 1993 : Publication